Why we offer Licensing and Ordinations

GodStrength.Coach offers Licensing and Ordination Papers to qualified ministers.

My ministry began in the early 1980’s after reading the book, The Cross and the Switchblade. The story was about a country preacher reaching out to inner city gang members. I enjoyed reading about the powerful conversions of many gang members and those who were lost and hurting. As soon as I finished it I wept.

Throughout the years of pastoring the church that God used me to establish, we would always reach out to those who could not help themselves, and we even had our own Live-in Men’s Ministry.

Now, after thirty years of pastoring, and another eight years previously as a street minister, outreach director and elder, I am transitioning or shifting my role from ministering to church members to ministering to ministers and leaders.

As my church continues to reach the lost and hurting I also will be doing the same, but my focus and heart will be for those who are in ministry.

Are you a minister who is lost and hurting? Are you without a covering?

We may be able to help you if you are open to having a spiritual relationship with an Apostolic Ministry. This is a process, a relationship. Ministry is not just paperwork but rather ‘People Work’.

Please email us for more info.

Download the GodStrength Licensing Credentials document